Soul Traveler – Healing Journeys


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Soul Traveler – Healing Journeys is a must read book and music collection for anyone with cancer and chronic dis-ease. Included is a FREE MP3 of the title track of the author’s Ch’i Gung Piano CD – Soul Traveler Prelude. His Ch’inatas were channeled in the flow of compassionate love and charged with healing intent that is encoded in the sound waves of his spontaneously performed Ch’inatas. Misevis brings together an awareness of healing with Ch’i and integrates traditional, ancient and indigenous wisdom, esoteric knowledge and practices with quantum realities that transcend mainstream Western medicine. Misevis develops new capacities for healing consciousness while awakening spiritual realities crucial to our evolution and survival. Through the synergy of Healing Journeys and his spontaneously performed and channeled 15-CD Soul Traveler Ch’i Gung Piano Healing Music Collection (sold separately) Misevis integrates the awareness of the human energy field and the loving energy of compassionate healing intent to activate and nurture healing responses in the minds, bodies and souls of his audience. The author recommends listening to Soul Traveler while reading Healing Journeys. It will deepen your experience as the words resonate with the music from which the words were passionately written. Please read his book and join the Soul Traveler in his mission to Save a Million Lives. Healing Journeys is a real life true story and hard to find real information amassed over a quarter of a Century that started when Misevis’ six-year-old son Rajah was diagnosed with brain cancer in 1990 and given a year to live with no treatment and a 25 percent, 5-year survival with surgery, radiation and chemo. Rajah had three surgeries, which caused the tumor to metastasize into 28 tumors after the third surgery. The doctors then did radiation, which caused the tumors to swell and they drilled a hole in his head to let the fluids out. They then did chemo and the chemo put him into a coma from which he never awoke. Six weeks later, Rajah squeezed his dad’s finger with his last breath to say goodbye. Do not let this happen to you or your loved ones. Read Healing Journeys.Misevis questions the Western paradigms of symptom management for cancer and chronic dis-ease and dis-ease as a thing (a tumor, blotch, cyst, abscess, organ, limb, gland, etc.) to be attacked, cut off, cut out, radiated, injected, chemoed or something to be discombobulated. Misevis is living proof of how holistic medicine, proactive & self-healing consciousness, diet, lifestyle change and nutritional support and the Eastern concepts of dis-ease as a process of the flow of Ch’i and how to nurture, balance and manipulate Ch’i to heal through the practices of the arts of Ch’i Gung, T’ai Ch’i, yoga, meridian therapy (acupuncture, acupressure, moxibustion), proper diet, real nutrition and frequency devices can not only rid the body of dis-ease, but also lead to a long and healthy life.Soul Traveler – Ch’i Gung Healing Music Collection is channeled, charged & encoded with healing intent by Misevis while Master Wan Su Jian, who treats the President of China, Xi Ping with Chi Gung and is the Director of the Beijing Red Cross Center for Traditional Taoist Medicine, and 4 Ch’i Gung doctors and disciples from Beijing, China perform Ch’i Gung and direct the compassionate love of healing intent and Ch’i into each spontaneously performed Piano Ch’inatas.Soul Traveler Ch’inatas are channeled from the Akashic Field and create an environment for the body to heal by sound entrainment & resonance that reduces stress and allows the immune system to be freed-up to deal with dis-ease.


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